Friday, March 25, 2011

How does your garden grow?

In February we cleared and dug.

Then we planted.

We watched...

...and waited.

In March we are discovering...

...bunches of tiny tomatoes that already smell so good...

...butter beans almost ready for picking...

...that rockmelon plants really do want to take over your garden...

...that zucchini plants are huge and you really should space them about 60cm apart...

...that rosemary has purple flowers...


...and that we have no idea how to tell if a lime is ripe.


Bellgirl said...

It occurs to me that I also have no idea when a lime is ripe- is it when it starts looking like a lemon?

hooray for your beans! Nothing beats them in a kid's garden- they've got Duplo sized seeds and they grow really quickly!

yardage girl said...

Great garden and no idea wen limes are ripe either - are they ever?

yardage girl said...

OK - just googled it - read this

Another exciting Friday night here ;o) !!

Cathie said...

i love your garden transformation.
it's one of those things that unless you see the pics it just seems to take soooo long in reality.

no idea either about limes..
happy weekend Caroline ♥


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