Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brain bender

I can't believe how long it took me to downscale a skirt pattern from size 5/6 measurements to size 2/3 measurements.

Being all scientific I was sure that it could be done with a calculator and my jotter pad.  I made a lot of crazy calculations over the space of 12 hours, both in centimeters and inches (go figure why I was doing that, I don't DO inches).  Then when I thought I had the answer I used the "phone a friend" option and asked her to measure up her almost two year old.  My little model had a waist measurement of 50cm (vs. my 48cm calculation) and a waist to knee measurement of 28cm (I was spot on, yeah baby!).

Enough of this mathematics caper.  Tomorrow: fabric!

1 comment:

CurlyPops said...

Funny! I do the same thing and take the long way around to come up with a simple answer.


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