Monday, February 3, 2014

A slight name change :: Maika Creations is now Maika Made

The start of a new month, a new blog name - why not?  I am making an announcement here and now that my blog name has changed from Maika Creations to Maika Made.

To be honest I've wanted to get rid of the word "creations" from my blog name for some time now.  Way back when I first named my blog I was doing a lot of soft toy making and trying my own thing with them so they were my little "creations".  But now I more enjoy dressmaking and for myself I feel that takes a lot less creativity and a lot more technicality in using sewing patterns, adjusting fit and learning new sewing techniques and tricks.  I don't feel that the creation part really fits me any longer and I've fallen out of love with it. So I've taken the plunge for a little update that's not drastic enough that I'll suddenly disappear to some far flung corner of the internet.

Breaking all the "rules" of naming blogs and online shops and such I do admit that I have chosen a blog name that is a little hard to pronounce, not even my family get it right most of the time!  The word maika is pronounced m-eye-ka, not may-ka as I hear it pronounced frequently.  The first time I heard someone say it like this I was a bit surprised, but then I realised it was a little silver lining because making is what I do so if you want to pronounce it like the word maker then who am I to worry about it!  For myself though I use the word maika because it translates from Bulgarian (and a few other languages) to English as the word mother. Mother made, that's what best describes what I do for my family and my home so that's what my blog name has now come to be.

I have been subtly trying to will the word "creations" away but it keeps following me around so now I'm being proactive about scratching it out as much as possible.  While I have changed this blog name, the URL will not change, it will still be as I don't want to lose traffic or kill any existing links to my blog.  Out there on social media and the like I have changed my name on Facebook, Instagram and Flickr AND I've changed my Etsy shop name.  I'll be working soon on new header for my blog to reflect the name change, plus I haven't changed my header in such a long time it's nearly got virtual cobwebs on it.

So there you go, I've done it.  Finally.  Feels good.


yardage girl said...

Good for you! {and I'm afraid to say I've been pronouncing it May-ka like an uncouth aussie, but now that I know, I will change!}

Julie said...

Nothing like a change. People will still find you, you haven't changed it that much.
I'm looking forward to getting my camera back and doing some new header pics and giving my blog a makeover too. No name change, just brushing out those cobwebs like you say.

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