Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It pretty much came to this

Our first experiment with food growing this year has had only small results, but satisfying none the less.  Three types of tomatoes bore fruit and the green ones are slowly ripening on the kitchen bench.  One type was called "Black Russian" and these are turning a kind of unattractive purple colour - yet to find out how these will taste.  The little cherry tomatoes were definitely the most prolific, and the plant went nuts and grew upwards and sideways and all over the other plants.

The basil, mint, lemon balm, sage and thyme all continue to grow, but the possums are partial to the parsley and dill and regularly nibble them back to their stalks.  The capsicums never grew at all, zucchinis grew beautifully and flowered mostly male flowers and then died, the butter beans gave out one lot of beans and then turned their toes up and died and the rockmelon flowered a lot, made a few melons and then also just suddenly died. It seems we have a lot more experimenting to do before we are successful at a crop of anything other than tomatoes!  In the meantime home grown tomatoes on pizza is on the menu tonight.

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