Monday, May 20, 2013

Etsy shop promotion: Hartelief Yvonne

Happy Monday!  Today we are visiting Hartelief Yvonne, the Etsy shop of Yvonne Pijnacker, from The Netherlands.  Yvonne lives in Wageningen in central Netherlands and my eyes popped out of my head when I noticed this, the world is just too small.  Wageningen, strangely enough, is a place I am very familiar with.  My husband went to Wageningen High School and his mum used to work at the University there for many years.  We visited Wageningen just under twelve months ago, its a lovely place in the world.

But, back to Yvonne!  Yvonne is a mixed media artist using materials such as acrylic paint, paper, glitter, washi tape, spray ink, embossing powder and gloss paint to create her artwork.  Some works available in her shop are original artworks, some are prints of artworks.  Yvonne often incorporates a beautiful quote or saying into the artwork which gives them a lovely meaning and depth.

Here's three of my favourites from her shop:

"There is no road to happiness, just a crazy ride to enjoy..."

Angel of Light brings in her shining candle to remeber us that even in the darkest hour a beatiful light might be near...

"Take the plunge and fly above your fears"

Isn't Yvonne's work beautiful? Her shop name translates as "Sweetheart Yvonne", which I think is perfect for such lovely artwork. As well as selling on Etsy she also participates in exhibitions and you can find her on Facebook.

Eleven more days in May and two more shops to bring you - stay tuned!


denthe said...

Wonderful art!

Anonymous said...

Great to meet you girls today Catherine, and YAY im your 100th follower :)

I have added you to my blog and will put a link to your blog on my next post !!!

Lena - Happy Little Queenslaner


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